Friday, May 21, 2010

Random observations:

The difference between pleasant and funny is that the one is always appealing while the other is not. People try so hard to be funny, to say something that will be the center of attention and make people laugh . . . I wish I could tell them that they would have many more friends if they were just pleasant and were willing to listen laugh at someone else. I've noticed that people with a really good sense of humor are those who catch and laugh at the funny things other people say, not the ones who are always turning the clever phrase.

Aside from any moral convictions, I've found out what I don't like about extravagant body piercings, tattoos, and super trendy clothes: They betray an obsession with appearance. People who care too much about how they look usually strike me as trying to make up for a deficit in some other area. I believe in looking nice (and if you just laughed, I would find that deeply and personally insulting! lol) but when I see someone who spends too much time on their appearance, the subconscious assumption runs through my head that they must not have anything better to spend it on.

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