Reading world literature recently for my one of my classes I have come across some of the most famous works of the past centuries. I was surprised. For being wrong, they are extremely well-written and insightful. It was a wonder to me that something so persuasive could be so wrong. I guess I assumed that anything untrue will naturally not be persuasive. Not true. Believe it or not, Marx, Darwin, and many others didn't become famous by writing pieces that are unbelievable. However as I'm reading their works, one things stands out in all their writing, a single flaw, but it is fatal: They let out God.
Any man who proposes a theory that excludes or overlooks God is about as helpful as a bad doctor: He may analyze the problem correctly, but his diagnoses is sure to be wrong and his cure even worse. Why? For the simple reason that he has left out the core issue, the key to which all locked doors are connected: God. Marx and Darwin almost make sense, if you factor out God. If you read their work, it is hard not to agree with them because their premise makes so much sense. They accurately, even brilliantly, describe the problem. It is this ability to understand the problem that leads us to believe them when they they say they know the cure. This is perhaps the cruelest of all falsehoods. History bears the scars of men who have believed these theories that exlude God. Marx was right in his classification of class struggle, it did exist -- certainly at least in England during the Industrial Revolution -- but his idea for a cure was disastrous. It was even worse than the problem. Darwin was accurate in his theory of MICRO-evolution, but he mixed this little truth with a huge lie that excluded God and made his theory worse than useless.
Just because a man understands a problem does not at all mean that he knows a cure. We understand the effects of aging and that it leads to death, but have we found a cure for this predicament? Obviously not. Without God, we are of all men most miserable because we are able to know our problem but are helpless to find a cure.
Without God. . .
1.Science is all . . . it will eventually answer all questions.
2.Evangelism is devious . . . a dark agenda hiding behind a clean face.
3.Pragmatism is all . . . good and evil are nonexistent and decisions are mere cost-benefit analysis.
4.Selfishness is a necessity . . . there's no god looking out for you except yourself.
5.Life is dangerous . . . again, there's no one looking out for you.
6.Life is meaningless . . . there is no grand scheme of things so what you do doesn't matter.
7.Life makes no sense . . . history can not be explained without God. All of men's fine ideas that make so much sense can't explain why they didn't work in real life. When you factor out God, you factor in error.
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