Thursday, April 2, 2009

Learning slowly

Prayer is not meant to be merely directed to God, it is meant to be all about God. To many times I say God's name at the beginning to let Him know it is headed His way and at the end to let Him know that I am done. What happens in the middle is mostly about me. Not that God doesn't want to know about me, but I don't think the primary purpose of prayer is to remind Him who I am, it's to remind me who He is.

I have a feeling that sometimes when I pray and it feels like I'm talking to myself, it's because I am talking to myself. I catch myself doing that a lot. Prayer takes on a whole new meaning when I remember to make it less about me and more about Him. Now if only I could do it more often. Oh well, I guess God never said we would learn everything on the first try.

1 comment:

  1. Yup. Sometimes I think we should stop calling it prayer. We just have too many steriotypes to fall into when we decide to 'pray.' Like we each make this unconcious decision to base our prayer on the rote prayers we learned as kids, or the prayer we heard our pastor saying, etc.
    Maybe if we said, "Hey Mike, will you talk to God about this?" it would hit home in a different way.

