Saturday, February 12, 2011

And be ready always to give an answer...

What should people do when they don't agree?

More to the point, what should Christians do when they don't agree with someone?

I've been asking myself those questions a lot recently. Asking them? Yes. Solving them? Well that's another matter altogether! In fact, I'm nowhere close.

Want to do something interesting sometime? Take a poll and ask people how they think people should deal with differences. I'm willing to bet the majority would fall into two categories:
1.Pluralism – This one is a real gem. It combines the best of two great buzzwords: Globalization and Relativism. These two words are huge right now, especially on college campuses. Ask anybody currently in college when was the last time they heard reference to either of these words, and I'm willing to be bet it would be less than a week. Pluralism. What could be better? Everybody knows the world is quickly becoming a more connected place, and everybody knows that people across the world don't always agree. When you have more and more interaction between people who all believe something different (and all sincerely think they are right) the result can be ugly. What better way to smooth out differences than to deny that they matter? We're all right. No one is. Either way, it solves the problem.
2.Confront and persuade – This one is also a gem. It combines absolute truth and reasoning. If everybody uses reason, they will come to the same conclusion (truth) and there will be no more of these disagreeable things called differences.

My sticking point is that I don't buy totally into either one of these. Relativism doesn't work because it ignores fact that everybody can't be right all the time. Our world doesn't work that way. People who believe contradictory things can't both be right.

However, option 2 isn't much better. Even if you believe in the concept of absolute truth (which I do) you've got to be blind to believe that everybody will agree on what it is.

At this point, it's really tempting to go off on a rabbit trail and prove the argument of absolute truth. I've heard it done many times (in church, in the creation vs evolution debates, even in some college classes) and it's very good. Using logic and evidence, it's not hard to prove. It shouldn't be. It's true.

Sadly, this is where a lot of Christians stop. We know there is a thing called truth and we can prove it.

So . . . relativism isn't real. Great. Now, for the REAL question: How will you deal with the 78% of society that mostly thinks it is?

How will you deal with the roughly 65% of Christians who believe it's true?

How will you deal with the 91% of Christian youth who believe it's true?

I've lived long enough to realize that nobody I've known agrees completely with anyone else I've known. Not ever. Bring up the right issue, and differences will quickly appear. Usually this is followed by an uncomfortable silence where both sides try to figure out what to do. What's the right thing to do when this happens?

Do I really expect to answer this question? No. To be honest, I don't think there is even a single answer. That's okay. Sometimes there isn't. I just think it's a question people should think about. And even after people thought about it, I'm sure they would all come up with different answers! lol

The only thing I would ask is this: If you're a Christian, how did the Bible and the example of Christ fit into your answer? (Opinions are fine, but as much as I hate to agree with the relativists, opinions really mean nothing outside of your own head.)

More on this later...


  1. Enjoyed your post. I especially liked your last paragraph.

    I think when you are trying to convince people of the truth, and you say "I think...", you are pretty much removing all grounds for why they should listen. When you say "The Bible says...", then you have authority.

    Good thoughts.

  2. Not to pick a fight with my brother's girlfriend or anything :), but to a lot of people "the Bible says" is 20 times weaker than "I think." They don't respect the Word of God, so I believe you have to start at a different level--truth as it's revealed in the created order, which just happens to be perfectly congruent with what God says.
    How to do that is my sticking point.

  3. You made me laugh Heather.

    Ok, so I can see your point, and in what I said I didn't mean that you have to start every sentence with "the Bible says!" ;) However, what I have discovered is that no matter where you go in life, whether it's at work or even at a christian college, you can pretty much find people who will view things from both sides of a coin, and that can become extremely confusing. Whose thoughts do you believe?

    Yet, when we take things to the Word of God, our opinions and the thoughts of others don't really matter, because the facts and truths don't change, no matter what. There is an authority there that can't be found elsewhere.

    And personally, I have found that to be an extremely comforting thing.

  4. Yeah Heather, I'll admit that's my sticking point too. How do you start when you believe God's word is the basis for truth, but you also know that the other person won't accept that as a starting point?

    However, that's usually the best starting place for me. The best conversations I've had (at least with people who are genuinely interested in truth and not just trying to pick a fight) is are about WHY they don't believe the Bible. Honestly, it's something many people have never considered, and sometimes they will admit that – as long as I'm open and honest enough to acknowledge that as MY starting point and don't insinuate that I expect them to accept it without questions.

    It has something to do with the authority concept Chrystal mentioned. By acknowledging that my beliefs are based on a different authority than just human reasoning, it often turns the conversation to real questions, from both sides, instead of just a debate and flat rebuttals. It makes the conversation less about their ability to reason (which I usually find makes people very defensive! lol) and more about them considering an alternative perspective, one they may never have considered seriously: that there is real evidence for the Bible explaining life.

    However, the harder part is the question of how you find an opportunity to have a real conversation with people who are different. That's the real question for me in the this post.

    However, aside from witnessing and more on the personal side of things, it is very comforting to remember sometimes that truth is based on more than just my ability to reason.

  5. Both of your points are so good that I'm (reluctantly) putting down the boxing gloves. :)
